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Old Fri Nov 07, 2003, 12:10pm
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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My electronic version of the case book does not have a 7.5.4 - can you give the exact interp language? I find in other areas some different guidance, but nothing precisely on this case. If A is in the process of shooting a FT and B violates accompanied accidental whistle, ball is dead. If ball is in flight, try is allowed to complete, then violation penalized if appropriate.

Then there is 2.11.10 that says go to AP arrow when there is no team control and an accidental whistle. But it does not specifically refer to a ball in flight on a try. A violation during a try makes the ball dead (BI in 6.7 A). Foul by defense, ball remains live. Foul by offense, ball is dead. Since this is no violation and no foul, it seems that the ball should remain live until try is complete. If basket is good, ball to B on baseline, otherwise AP.

Anything else would be uncivilized
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