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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Tue Nov 04, 2003, 04:43pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by scottk_61
Originally posted by TerpZebra
#100 A1 jumps from inbounds to retrieve an errant pass near a boundary line. A1 catches the ball while in the air and tosses it back to the court. It is ILLEGAL if A1 lands out of bounds and
A) is the first to touch the ball after returning inbounds
B) returns inbounds and immediately dribbles the ball
C) picks up the ball after returning to the court and then begins a dribble
D) a, b, and c are all illegal

I put D
A and B are legal (but a frequent myth). C is illegal only because A1 *caught* the ball first. Thus, the bounce and catch were a dribble. When A1 dribbles again, s/he's violated.

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