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Old Tue Nov 04, 2003, 04:41pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by scottk_61
Originally posted by TerpZebra
#98 During the jump ball to start the first quarter, which situation establishes the alternating possession arrow for Team B? The ball is touched
A) by A2 and goes out of bounds
B) by A2 and B2 and simultaneously and goes out of bounds
C) is caught by B1
d) no answer provided
I put A
Scott, it can't be (A), right? The question says that the result of the play will be that the arrow will be set toward Team B. So if A2 knocks it out (w/o gaining control), B gets the ball. So who gets the arrow. . .?
That's the other part of the question that's poorly written. The rules refer to "the AP procedure being established" (in this instance by B). The question asks about "establishing the AP arrow" Is that the same thing? Who knows?

And, in (a) it isn't set when A2 knocks the ball OOB, it's set when B gets the ball for the throw-in. Similarly for (c). Is the question asking *when* the arrow is set, or what actions can lead to a throw-in where it's set? The initial part of the question reads, "During the jump ball ..." The arrow can never be set during the jump ball -- it can only be set once the jump has ended.
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