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Old Tue Nov 04, 2003, 11:56am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by TerpZebra
I took the Florida High School test last night. And thought I could get some discussion and answers on a few of the questions. Here they are:

#98 During the jump ball to start the first quarter, which situation establishes the alternating possession arrow for Team B? The ball is touched
A) by A2 and goes out of bounds
B) by A2 and B2 and simultaneously and goes out of bounds
C) is caught by B1
d) no answer provided

#100 A1 jumps from inbounds to retrieve an errant pass near a boundary line. A1 catches the ball while in the air and tosses it back to the court. It is ILLEGAL if A1 lands out of bounds and
A) is the first to touch the ball after returning inbounds
B) returns inbounds and immediately dribbles the ball
C) picks up the ball after returning to the court and then begins a dribble
D) a, b, and c are all illegal

I put C for both answers. Let me know your ideas.

Agreed for both, although I think #98 is poorly written.

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