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Old Mon Nov 03, 2003, 10:53am
FredFan7 FredFan7 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 252
I agree, "When in Rome." I officiated in PA, and out east, the finger whistle is used a lot. I'd say 50-50 or 60-40 finger whistle.

Now I ref in Illinois and I'd say that it's 90-10 lanyard, and some new refs are "encouraged" to used the lanyard. Its also encouraged that we put our flags in the front of our pants with only the weight showing, and stuff a second flag in any pocket but completely out of sight. I've never heard of an official not advancing because of this issue, but the vets "encourage" the younger officials to do those things. I think we take our lead from Big 10 officials.

Anyway, if I ever move again, and finger whistles are mandated, or it's holding me back, I'd change. It'd be tough, but I'd change. It would be hard to put my primary flag in the back pocket but I would.

"When in Rome." I agree.

PS--Appearance is part of the overall package but not the only thing. Former NFL ref Bob McElwee carried a finger whistle and had TWO flags hanging out the back and side pockets. I never liked the flag look but it's hard to argue with three Super Bowls.
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