I haven't watched much college football, but if SEC officials have their flags sticking out, I am not impressed. A peewee official with his flag not showing and looking clean and "crisp" would impress me more.
I had the honor/opportunity to work a state championship game a few years ago. The supervisor of state officials, before the game, said, "I don't want to see any flags today." It took a few seconds to figure out what he meant: don't look sloppy out there.
As for white on the shoes, SWFL has the right idea. Get some black shoe dye.
We worked a state playoff game last week. It was very cold, like in the mid 30's with a 20 mph wind. We wore jackets prior to the game, but took them off for the game. It looks a heck of a lot better than jackets. We believe that jackets are for precipitation, not cold.
I like to see consistency and 'crispness' in our appearance. Maybe I am old-fashioned.