Thread: Umpire Protocol
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Old Thu Oct 30, 2003, 01:59pm
chuck chopper chuck chopper is offline
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The play is unimportant. Whether you & the other umpire have worked together before or not also unimportant. No matter what..we as a pair of umpires have got to do whatever is necessary to make the right call. Thus we may have to ruffle each others feathers on a difficult call that is only judgement and not rules application. Say the first baseman pulled his foot off the bag & BU doesn't see it. Coach or other player comes to you PU for help. If you the PU cannot get that BU to listen to you when you are telling him about the pulled foot, then BOTH of you look terrible.
Luckily I have always worked with a partner who is reasonable. However if the other Ump won't listen there really is nothing we can do at that moment. However someone earlier did mention that when you get home, call your assigner. Maybe the hard headed ump will get straightened out before you have to work with him again.
Lastly, don't wait to see if your partner is going to ask for your help (while he's being attacked), offer it proactively in a huddle off to the side without anyone else nosing in.
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