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Old Tue Oct 28, 2003, 04:47pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Exclamation I will tell you how.

Originally posted by Hawks Coach

Now NFHS has clarified, and explained in very clear terms how they want it called and why they want it called this way. And their interpretation and support for that interpretation is extremely logical. How can we still be fighting about this, and why?
Because every official, coach and player are never going to see the website. Because when there is a dispute over this situation, it is much harder to refer to a website than it will be to refer to the rulebook. If you do not believe that, then look at all the trouble the NF caused when making Post Scrimmage Kick enforcement in football. The NF did not have all their publications on the same page and all it did was cause some confusion as to what to do. This is the same thing. Because 98% of the officials and coaches that I will come in contact with, will never see anything from the website. And in a hotly contested game, no one is going to go right to the website to prove their point. I do not know about anyone here, but I will not have a computer handy. I will have a rulebook in my bag, but that is about it. And we do call more block/charge situations in a game and a season than I ever did calling PSK during the football season.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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