Originally posted by bwestfall
TXMike, yes, you are right. I cannot blame the loss on that one call, although we did save that play for later in the game, and it did work once. Fortunately the league does have a ref review card that the coaching staff will fill out. The game is over and nothing can be done about it now. All I can hope for is the refs learned something from this, I know I did....Keep a rule book with you at all times.
Do you know where I can get a copy of NFHS rule book?
Its good to see you come here to ask questions Coach. You seem to have a good attitude and its wonderful to see a coach whos ready and willing to actually learn the rules. Theres just one piece of advice Id like to give if you'll allow me. If and when you receive your Books, study them every chance you get. They are small and can be kept in your back pocket for easy access whenever youre in the mood to look something up or just browse. But PLEASE leave them at home or in the car during your games! Yanking out a rulebook on a Ref during a game could really get you in big doo-doo and just might coast you 15 yards and at least one unsportsmanlike conduct (it will for sure if Im the White Hat). You defiantly want to avoid trying to show-up the officials in this way.
If you study and really learn the rules, you should be able to refresh the Refs memory as to the proper ruling and hell most likely thank you for it. Good luck.