Originally posted by cowbyfan1
I had someone try telling me that if an A player egages a defensive player high he can then slide down and cut the player, even if it ends up out of the free block zone or after the ball left the free block zone.. I do know if a player egages in front and if the defender turns and gets pushed in the back that it is a clean block but this one was totally new to me and to me not right.. Am I correct?
Also, did my first varsity WH last night and it went pretty well other than the coach arguing his guys can block like above and other than having a wing official that was pretty week (heard he was a good one so he may have had an off night).
To illegaly block below the waist, the INITIAL contact must be below the waist. The block you describe is legal.
How about this? 10 yards downfield, blocker dives at the defender. The defender sticks his hands out to avoid the block and touches his shoulders. The blocker then contacts the defender at the knees.
That's a legal block. The defender made the block legal by allowing the initial contact to be on the hands.