I can't see how you could make this blanket judgment. It often is not this way.
We play man and we try to never switch (obviously it can't always be helped). When we have A1 dribbling, our B1 defending, A2 screening and B2 defending screener, we want B1 to get under the screen and prevent A1 from getting a direct line to the basket. B2 is supposed to "hedge" or step out from the screner to slow or change the direction of A1 to allow B1 to prevent the penetration. At no time does B1 slow to "guard" A2. B1 is trying at all times to maintain good defensive position on A1 despite A2 being between B1 and the ball.
B2 stepping out would maintain the closely guarded count anyway, but if B2 fails to step out and B1 remains within the 6 ft, B1 is never guarding A2. B1 is just trying to avoid A2. There is no rule that says you are guarding the player closest to you. I think if you are observing the defense, you will know who they are guarding and whether or not you should maintain the count.