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Old Thu Oct 23, 2003, 08:47am
Bob M. Bob M. is offline
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Location: Clinton Township, NJ
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Originally posted by kentref
You are correct.
If you have an eligible downfield blocking and your tackle key indicates it's a pass play the only way the eligible doesn't draw a PI flag is if the pass is behind the neutral zone, (or the pass isn't thrown and the play ends up a running play).
As a wing official, I would prefer to flag the PI and then if it ends up a running play or a pass behind the neutral zone, you can wave off the flag.

REPLY: Just a comment on your technique...I would respectfully recommend that you throw the flag for OPI only after a pass is thrown. Throwing the flag for potential OPI on a run just because your interior blocking key showed pass is incorrect. Put the OPI "in the bank" and only throw (back toward the spot of the OPI) when the pass is thrown. Then if you find that the pass did not cross the NZ, have the R wave it off. This is the way that the NFL and NCAA handles the situation.
Bob M.
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