Originally posted by Larks
Hey Ohio guys...whats your take
Went to the State Clinic last night. For the non Buckeyes, Ohio has a modified coaches box rather than using NF's rule. It basically says that the box is the length of team's occupied bench. So if a team has 19 people on the bench, the box is that long however, both boxes shall be the same size.
Last night, they added they want us to "cause the boxes to be marked" before the game if it has not already been marked. My question is this...if the box isnt marked, the proceedure would be: (I'm asking)
1. find roll of tape
2. hand said tape to someone from game management
3. figure out which team has more folks on the pine
4. ask game management person to mark said box
5. measure said box and apply tape for the other box at approx the same distance
I was at Princeton as well. After it was explained, the guy from Columbus didn't recommend that we put tape down ourselves because if someone tripped and fell they could sue you. That tells me that he wants the schools to be proactive and do it. Most of them will. But If you don't have a roll of masking tape JIC, you're bound to walk into a gym and it doesn't conform.
Another item that was a POE, was only the head coach is allowed to stand and coach. And he emphasized "tag-team" coaching is not allowed. But Larks, how many times have you done a game in SW Ohio (GCL, GMC, whatever) and the assistants were as active as the head? If you have games in December (I don't until Jan.), you're bound to get some grief about that.