Varsity game. A is leading 24-0 and still in first quarter. A is flagged for illegal sub/12 men on field. Coach says to me "your not gonna let us play with 12?" I said "coach, up 24-0 we should make you play with 10 for a half."
Was in the second quarter of a 3rd grade game. One of the players said we need to stop the game. I asked why. He said they forgot to do the National Anthem.
Was working chain on a varsity game. QB flushed out and throws ball way out of bounds nowhere near a receiver. R flags him for intentional grounding. An Assistant coach yells "He was out of the pocket" Head coach turns around and says to his assistant "congrats you just became the get back coach since you don't know that there is no out of the pocket in high school ball."
Varisty game. R flags the RB for a block below the waist on a LB. It occured in the end zone for a safety. I go to the head coach and tell him number 3, block below the waist, it was in the end zone so we have a safety. He said I need a better explanation then that. I said what do you need to know? The running back blocked the LB below the waist in the end zone. He said you mean to tell me that if we held in the end zone it would be a safety too? Uh yeah coach, spot of foul. (Now would it surprise you that that team won state and is (if you get into USA todays HS poll) one of the top ranked teams nationally?)
Need an out, get an out. Need a run, balk it in.