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Old Mon Oct 20, 2003, 01:23pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Lightbulb Not the same thing.

Originally posted by w_sohl

If they are anything like basketball assignors, which is probably the case since they usually are one in the same, you better go in with thte attitude of being a WH. As the WH you should be able to work any position, this way if you aren't assigned a game on a particular weekend they can call you and you can work a game if they need a sub and you can fill any position they need you at.
Football is very different. You are not expected to be an expert or have a great deal of grasp when moving up to college ball. College football and HS football are two totally different animals. You will not WH a college game, unless you have some time to work another position. Usually the WH is a crew chief and is responsible for who works on his crew and has some influence with the assignor who stays on the crew and what position they are. And because the game is much faster, no one expects you to be an umpire for example, when you have never officiated that position.

Now obviously I am talking about where we live. So some of this can be a little different in other areas of the country. But around here, the assignor will not put you anywhere. If they need a WH, they will have someone that has some extensive experience at the college level before asking a rookie to have that burden.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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