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Old Mon Oct 20, 2003, 12:32pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally posted by LepTalBldgs

1. Do you say "Sorry I kicked it" or "that wasn't my best call", or "I may have missed that one" to a coach?
Depends on the coach. If I know the coach and he/she is a reasonable person, I might do so. But if they are the type of coach that complains about "3 seconds" and "that is traveling" all day and night, I see no benefit in admitting a mistake to those guys. I would rather admit a mistake to a coach that picks his spots and complains when a call might a tough one or could go one way or another.

Originally posted by LepTalBldgs

2. When my partner calls a questionable foul and we line up to shoot, I've had players slide over to me as T and say, "Hey, you saw that wasn't a foul, right?". I usually respond, either "My partner and I have been a pretty good team so far tonight" or "I was watching a different area on the floor and didn't see it". What do you say?
All I will say is, "he was right there," or "he had a better look at the play than I did. If I am doing my job, that is all I can say anyway, especially when doing 3 Person Mechanics. And if we had a call that might be in a dual area, I will say, "I had the same thing too." Usually they get the point and leave it alone. But I will only allow a player to do this one, maybe two times. After that, I will make it clear that I am not going to have him coming to me after every call.

Originally posted by LepTalBldgs

3. If my partner calls something in my primary I've had a player say "That was your area", or "He wasn't supposed to call that". I have said "He may have seen something I didn't". Is there anything else to say?
Usually when they say that, they are really wrong. Most of my games are 3 Person and I will have a coach complain something was in my area, when it was not at all. So I will either tell them how it was not my area, or explain why he has that call. For example if the ball was on the Center's side and went to the basket, many times the coaches think the Lead should make the call. If they comment about that, I have no problem telling them that, "I am not looking there, that is his call all the way." Usually that stops they, "he cannot call that" conversation.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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