I agree with Glen, that's a very good point. I've been in clinics with Emily and am probably going to change to the method she's taught. I've been using what I'll call an "A B C' method that I learned while doing the BB game. It's almost as simple, but not quite.
Now, perhaps this should be another topic, but I'll start it here. In the event of a suspended game, how do we all go about getting the lineup cards to the "replacement" umps when we can't get to the makeup? Locally, with ASA, we don't worry about it - our local commissioner not only doesn't think any umpire wants to work a national, he doesn't see any reason at all for anyone ever using a lineup card. In my case, with college, I scan the cards in to my pc as jpeg files and email them to the assignor. With high school ball, we've been instructed to hand them to the home coach.... I've never had or heard of a problem with this, but certainly see the potential.
What do your areas do?
Steve M