I agree with everyone who says that 99.9% of average fans would have done the exact same thing, going for that pop foul. However, perhaps because I am an umpire, perhaps because I am a novice historian, perhaps because I live and breathe baseball, my view is different. If it was my team, harboring 95 years of frustration, as soon as fans' hands started to go up, I would have been tackling everyone I could get my hands on to get them the hell out of the way of that ball to allow my guy the opportunity to catch it.
It's not all his fault, but in my opinion, he's gotta share the blame. Cubs fans have nobody but themselves to blame for this one though, because they can't keep their hands to themselves. Wake up, pay attention, and know the freaking situation.
The second that guy touched the ball, I turned to my wife and said the Marlins have just won the series. Anyone who thought otherwise would have been foolish.