I think the reaction of so called "fans" is ridiculous.Any person that says they would not have reached for a ball WITHIN the confines of the stands is a boldfaced liar.Do you mean to tell me,as a fan,as you are watching a ball coming directly at you,you are going to take a glance as to the position of the fielder and make your decision whether to attempt to catch the ball?? Give me a freaking break!!!The Cubs did not lose the series because of the gentleman that touched the ball.The shortstop that booted the next ground ball that a little leaguer would have made,contributed to the loss more than a ball touched in the stands.Besides that,who are the Chicago fans going to blame for the Game 7 loss? Face it Chicago,the Cubs blew it again and it has NOTHING to do with that unfortunate fan doing what ALL of us would have done!!!!
[Edited by mo99 on Oct 16th, 2003 at 03:06 PM]