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Old Thu Oct 16, 2003, 12:06pm
Theisey Theisey is offline
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Mr. RDfox's reference to CB 3.6.3.A brings out one thing that bugs me with NF rules.

They are quite clear in 3-4-3-e that the clock is to start on the snap when a legal or illegal FP is incomplete but yet in 3-6-3 several pages later, they give us what is an "exception" to that rule.
What is so hard about putting a pointer to that exception right into 3-4-3? Are they that pigheaded to use the words "exception" in the rules? (my answer is yes they are)

So, if team-A uses an illegal forward pass to kill the clock because the runner wasn't able to make it into the EZ, then by all means the clock should be started on RFP.
Even the NCAA code agrees with this.

However, if it were a backward pass OOB, then I and others are saying to start the clock on the snap as does a play in the FRD manual. NF rule 3-6-3 doesn't kick in because as currently written, it is not illegal to toss a pass backwards (and OOB). Not so for NCAA, but that's not the question.
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