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Old Thu Oct 16, 2003, 11:54am
Jerry Jerry is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 286
Not speaking as a lawyer; simply common sense. You may take it for what it's worth.

Lightning takes precedence over any other reason for curtailing a game. Those are the paraphrased words from the National Federation and is, in fact, in writing.

Stop and think for a quick moment . . . this is a youth game. An umpire see lighting and IMMEDIATELY stops play.

What possible defense would he have, had he let the play continue and anyone on the field or in the stands be injured due to lightning?

Stop and think for a longer moment . . . this is still the same youth game.

Didn't U1 already have it in his power to suspend or end the game earlier? While it was still raining? Had he wanted to favor one team over another (by disallowing the so-called "run"), he could have done it two innings sooner by calling it a rainout.

Without hearing directly from the person involved, I suspect U1 had no concern about who won/lost/tied the game. He was sincere in his invoking the "I saw lightning" rationale and getting folks off the field immediately.

No offense intended, Tony, but I think you're reading a whole lot more into the ruling than what was intended.

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