Thread: Goal Line Pylon
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Old Thu Oct 16, 2003, 11:33am
Forksref Forksref is offline
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I stand corrected.

After further review (and study) , I stand corrected. Here is the citation that I believe makes it a TOUCHDOWN when the pylon (any side) is touched with the ball if the player has not touched out of bounds yet:

NF 2-25-3 (lines)

"When related to a live ball in a runner's possession (touching inbounds) while the ball is over the out-of-bounds area, the goal line includes the extension beyond the sidelines."

The pylon is located in the endzone (extended) according to this definition, thus, the plane of the goal line must have been penetrated if the pylon is touched with the ball.

8-2-1-a "It is a touchdown when a runner advances from the field of play so that the ball penetrates the vertical plane of the opponent's goal line."

I need a good relevant citation from the rule book before I agree to anything and I found it.

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