I like the question because I am usually the wing man. That is why I try to play out all of the scenarios. After searching through the rule and case book, I tried to understand why the ball hitting the pylon is a TD.
4-2-2b re: live ball goes OOB becomes dead.
4-3-2 "...if the OOB spot is behind the goal line, it is a safety, field goal, or touchback. If the ball touches a pylon, it is OOB behind the goal line."
Does that mean we have a TB, FG, or safety? LOL. No.
I have the 2002 Simplified and Illustrated (may be outdated) 8-2-1 "It is a TD whenever the ball, in possession of a runner, breaks the vertical plane of the opponent's goal line, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THE RUNNER IS IN CONTACT WITH THE GROUND. The position of the runner's body is of no consequence as long as the ball in his possession breaks the vertical plane of the goal line."
Then 8-2-1 and 8-2-1a showed that it is not outdated. "possession of live ball in opponent's EZ is always a TD", and "it is a TD when a runner advances from the field of play so that the ball penetrates the vertical plane of the opponent's goal line."
I read this forum because sometimes what I think is logical is not. This is a game of inches, and when it comes to making the right call, I am responsible. These hair splitting points are very important for confidence on the field when the coaches and players are losing it. THANK YOU for the feedback. It made me research and re-search.
It is a TD.
God is the only One Who always gets the right call