Thread: Goal Line Pylon
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Old Wed Oct 15, 2003, 08:33pm
PSU213 PSU213 is offline
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Originally posted by Forksref
I can see a play where the runner dives, breaks the sideline plane and then touches the pylon on the side facing the other goal line. OOB at the spot where the ball first broke the sideline plane.

Touching the inside of the pylon (facing the opposite sideline) could only happen if the goal line plane was broken first. Touchdown.

This is why inspection of the field prior to the game is necessary to make sure the pylons are in the proper position. And, if they get jostled during play, make sure that they are repositioned properly.
I think if you wanted to split eye lashes on this you could say that if the ball hits the "outside" or the "front" of the pylon, then the ball has broken the sideline plane before it broke the GL plane, and it would only be a TD if the ball hits the "inside" of the pylon. In reality, if that player dives and the ball hits the pylon, I've got a TD no matter which side of the pylon it hits. Furthermore, Casebook play 1.2.4 does not specify which side of the pylon is contacted by the ball.
If the play is designed to fool someone, make sure you aren't the fool.
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