You are 110% correct, In fact if everyone else had this level of intelligence the world would be a much better place, I have been a Cubs fan almost since birth and what really pisses me off is all of the people who jumped on the Cubs band wagon when things are going good, you have this kid who is only guilty of being in the wrong seat at a ball game, clearly a fan wearing his radio so he can listen play by play to the game, the people saying thats not a Cubs fan, the governer of our state even making sickening comments about the kid not being a fan, the look on his face when he relized what had just happened, going from pure joy to terrior in seconds, I guess a Cubs win tonight can only fix this mess, Anyone who would turn on another fan like that is the one who isn't a Cubs fan, thats not baseball, This whole thing has made me really sick to be a fan, to know this could have been me, hell ya i would have done the same thing, I hope you so called Cubs fans are happy now, it is you fans that have ruined the game for this die hard, not the loss to the Marlin's,