I feel for the guy too. Yeah - if he'd had his wits completely about him, or had it to do again, he'd get out of the way... but look at the rest of the fans. They were trying to get it to. No one was pulling him back or anything.
Also - first off - the ball was nowhere near "heading back fair", but I'll assume you meant heading back into play. Even if that's what you meant, a ball just doesn't tail that way - it was tailing foul if it was tailing at all. Plus, look at both the fan and Alou when the ball hit. The fan was standing in the stands, not reaching over the railing. Alou's wrist was CLEARLY bent over the railing. There's really no question it was out of play. The only real question is whether Alou could have caught it if the fan hadn't interfered --- but I don't believe he could have. I don't think he timed it right - his wrist had already come down on the top of the fence, and was bending forward when it hit (if you have the ability - frame by frame it and you'll see). I doubt he'd have caught it anyway.
And no - I'm not a Marlins fan. I have no affiliation on this particular series whatsoever, and don't care who wins. If I have any inclinations, it's to see a Cubs-Red Sox errorfest to see who can try the hardest to lose the Series.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”
West Houston Mike