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Old Wed Oct 15, 2003, 09:18am
mackmor mackmor is offline
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Posts: 1

Last night my son's majors Little League team played a game in which showers/rain fell in the last 2 innings. My son's team was at bat and down by one run with a man on third, the opposing pitcher threw his pitch which was a passed ball and our player ran home safely to tie the game...or so we thought. The Umpire threw up his hands saying he had called the game once the pitch passed the catcher and that the run did not count. His reason: he said he had seen lightening after the pitch was released. Is it legal for an Umpire to allow one half of a play, the pitch, but not the completion of the play, the run, while the ball is still in play? We are all perplexed at this call. Kind of like having a pop out, but not allowing a tag up at home to count or letting a single count, but not allowing a runner on second to advance home on it. Your help please. Thanks.
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