I doubt that anybody on this forum cares what I wear, but since nobody else has replied, I'll give you my laundry list.
I wear the all black Converse Whistle sneaker. I don't love them, but they're the best I've come across. I tried the New Balance 608, but just didn't feel comfortable in it. I loved my old Avia's, but they don't make 'em anymore.
Sansabelt pants.
Either McDavid or micromesh V-neck striped shirt.
Black V-neck undershirt. I prefer the McDavid, but if they're all dirty, I just use a regular t-shirt.
Black compression shorts -- Bike. I don't wear shorts unless I just don't have my compression shorts for some reason (like when I was at camp this summer

No flex belt.
Black crew length athletic socks. Just one pair, even tho I know some guys double up.
Smitty lanyard, unless both my college partners are wearing a noose lanyard.
Fox 40, I usually put a strip of black tape around the tip for padding.
No jacket for HS. For college I wear a jacket, but I have no idea what kind it is. I think it was the only choice available from the place where they told me I had to buy one.
Exciting stuff, I know. I hope it helped.