Thread: Goal Line Pylon
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Old Tue Oct 14, 2003, 01:33pm
seanireland seanireland is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 44
ABoselli is Correct.

The goal line pylon (1-2-4) by definition is out of bounds. If the RUNNER is touching the ground in bounds, then he possesses a live ball in his opponent's endzone which is by definition, a touchdown (8-2-1 & 1a). The player must be considered inbounds at the time the ball breaks the plane of the goal line or goal line extended. If the player is in bounds, then it is a TD with all three scenarios of the ball hitting the pylon.

OTHERWISE, if the runner is airborne, (as you said "dives")he must hit the inside of the pylon. That implies that the ball crossed the goal line in bounds before it went out of bounds in possession of a RUNNER. If the runner is airborne, then hitting the pylon is out of bounds and the ball is placed according to (2-40-4c) the inbounds spot. Which is probably a few inches before the pylon. The forward point of the ball hitting the pylon means that the ball had to be OOB to hit the pylon. Where the ball went out is up to the calling official. It is where it crosses the sideline.

See also, Case Book p. 18 2.25.3 The illustration is much better than mine.
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