Thread: NFHS Test
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Old Mon Oct 13, 2003, 03:49am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by JRutledge
So your state does not give a test at all?
Read the original post.

Originally posted by Nevadaref
My association has decided not to use the Federation test this year. Instead they are going to give us some 200 question test that the California people write and it will be a take home exam.
Then, read this post.

Originally posted by Nevadaref
What do you think about US not using the NFHS test?
Conclusion: Neveadaref and Rick Vietti are both from Nevada. Also, Rick's profile and NevadaRef's username would also support this axiom. Therefore, they will both be taking the "200 question test that the California people write."
Rick and I both live in the Reno/Sparks area. We both officiate games for the Northern Nevada Officials Association. He is a member of the football, basketball, and softball chapters, and I am in the soccer and basketball chapters, which are under this Association. So we know each other and have even worked some games together.
Therefore, in this case Tony's assumption happens to be the right one, but I do see Rut's point about associations, chapters, and state offices not having to be the same. In fact, due to the imprecise way we talk it is often quite confusing what we really mean. For example, to be precise, I should have written "My chapter has decided...." in the original post instead of "My association..." Since, it is only the basketball guys who aren't using the Fed test this year. We did take it in soccer, and Rick wrote how they did it in football.

If anyone is interested how it works in Nevada, I have started a new thread, which gives the details.

[Edited by Nevadaref on Oct 13th, 2003 at 03:53 AM]
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