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Old Fri Oct 10, 2003, 06:35pm
Warren Willson Warren Willson is offline
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Originally posted by Dave Hensley
Originally posted by Warren Willson
The irony is that BOTH Steve Palermo and Tim McClelland were members of the Umpire Training Committee that drafted the manual.

The irony I recognize on a more personal level is your endorsement of a citation that is based on a statement in the General Instructions to Umpires. I can remember a time when my citations of that same section of the rulebook earned only a dismissive "that stuff is all obsolete and not part of the real rules anyway" response. I think you were on the side that held that view, weren't you?
Now, now. You know better than that, Dave. Yes I was on that side, and I was right too!

The MLB instruction might have its genesis in the General Instructions to Umpires in the same way that our current rules come from the Knickerbocker Rules of 1847, but that doesn't make them any less obsolete. The General Instructions to Umpires appearing in the rule book were superceded by the Instructions to Umpires contained in Section 7 of the PBUC Umpire Manual.

My "beef" was with people relying on the long outdated version when the current version, complete with notable changes, was readily available. It would be more accurate for you to say that the MLB statement arose from Section 7 of the PBUC Umpire Manual than to declare that it " based on a statement in the General Instructions to Umpires" that follows OBR 9.05, which version is of general historical interest only at this point.

Warren Willson
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