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Old Fri Oct 10, 2003, 12:20pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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I don't like the first reference, because that is specifically referencing 3-6-3, which is the rule that talks about illegally consuming or conserving time.

The second reference is better because it says that in a delay situation the clock is automatically started on the snap.

We don't NEED the case book. The rule is simple. I'll quote it in its entirety, well, leaving out the part about free kicks:

3-4-3: The clock shall start with the snap if the clock was stopped because:

(i) the penalty for a delay of game foul is accepted.

End of story. Other team accepts the penalty, the clock starts on the snap.

Why people "guess" in these situations is unclear to me. Pick up the rulebook and READ.

BTW, there are other delay penalties besides the play clock. Failure to properly wear required equipment prior to the snap is also a delay of game penalty as are all the other instances mentioned in 3-6-2. If a penalty is called in any of these instances, the clock starts on the snap in NFHS football, unless the team penalizing is trying to conserve time illegally or for some reason the penalty is declined.


[Edited by Rich Fronheiser on Oct 10th, 2003 at 12:23 PM]
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