Originally posted by ejstuart
Sorry, all of your "reasons" are unconvincing. I guess we'll agree to disagree...
Maybe I'm blessed to work with A/Rs that actually are "assistants" and not "linesman"...but I have never felt that I'm not covering the field properly under the DSC. You hustle into the "coffin corners" to watch the play there...you sprint back on the counterattacks...you don't ball watch so you can spot the off-the-ball stuff...you trust your A/Rs to call what they see, but let me make the final decision.
And I ALWAYS feel that my A/Rs and I are a team, and I let them know that.
Like I said, maybe I'm just lucky.
If you guys think using three whistles means you call a better game, that's fine...I'll just think it's blasphemy :-)
Congratulations on the assistants you get and your effort during games. OK, I'll not debate you further, but remain convinced having used all three systems, and note that "the world is round" used to be blasphemy.
A personal note: I find "let
me make the final decision" and "
my A/Rs and I are a team, and I let them know that" somewhat condescending.