Originally posted by SC Ump
9.02(c) is the rule.
But even if that is ignore, how does any one umpire "know" that his view of a play situation is any better than someone else's?
He doesn't - not really - but you already knew that. That's why the rules also offer 9.04(c), so the UIC can arbitrate.
The fact is that as UIC, if that is what McClelland was at the time, he shouldn't overrule in favor of his own point of view without first having the benefit of a conference with the other umpires in the crew. By his action he has just said that he and ONLY he had the perfect view. He ignored the process, and there was simply NO NEED to do so. Either way the ball was dead!
I think he suffered a rush of blood ... either that OR he also believed Hernandez had no place on that diamond. Neither reason is any excuse for an experienced MLB crew chief to ignore one of the fundamental tenets of the game, at least as far as officials are concerned.