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Old Thu Oct 09, 2003, 05:07pm
BigUmpJohn BigUmpJohn is offline
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Posts: 164
Originally posted by GarthB
My problem is the "no matter what" part of your position. No matter that the spirit and even letter of a the rule is violated? No matter that the call is inconsequential and disrupts the game? No matter that it causes other calls to be wrong? No matter that it places umpires in the position of endless debates with coaches and players? No matter that it pits umpire against umpire?

I agree that getting the call correct is important. But I also believe that getting it correct, correctly is equally important. Nothing is bigger than the game. Not even a missed call.
I can see we have some differences in opinion which is great. But, let me warn you, I am a terrible debater.

I agree that not all calls need to be overturned like "He's safe. No Jimmy, he's out." What I am saying is that in a call of that magnitude, and I believe this call was really important IMO, there needs to be a correction. The ball would've hit the pole had the glove not been there. There's no doubt in my mind.

In response to your other questions, I cannot imagine an overturned call which would affect the rest of the game in a matter that you describe. Any umpire should not be affected by a previous call. Take it one at a time. If a coach or player has a beef and argues about a previous call and creates that endless debate, then there's always the parking lot/locker room waiting for him/her. We do not have to put up with that.

I can only speak for myself. I wouldn't have handled it the way McClelland did now that I know the rule, but he got the call correct. Yes, he violated the written rule, but I do not believe the rule was written to pit umpires against each other in argument, just a checks and balances system. If I felt that I was absolutely correct, I would confer with my partner privately even if it wastes time or is inconsequential and yes, even if it may violate the rule. If he thinks I'm wrong, that's fine. That would be an agreement we would have. If I think he's wrong, I would let him know my opinion and we'll weigh what we both saw. I think every call is important--overturned or not.

So, you think the game is more important than the call. I think they both affect each other so the calls need to be made correct. But hey, I'm a softball umpire... what do I know? I don't know if that means anything. My head hurts. Nap time.

Just my opinion, don't shoot me!
"If you want something that is fair in life, hit a ball between first and third base."
John Palko
Pittsburgh, PA
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