Thread: Held Ball
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Old Thu Oct 09, 2003, 11:26am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Btw,I can see how the note could possibly apply to most of R6-3-3,but I still can't think of any way that you would end up in a FT shooting situation,as in 6-3-3(c),without an AP being established.Can you?
How about: during pre-game warm-ups B1 dunks the ball. B1 is assessed a technical foul. To begin the game A1 attempts the two FTs. (Arrow isn't set until the throw-in after the FTs.) While A1 is holding the ball for the second FT, B3 accidently steps inside the FT circle. A1's FT fails to hit the rim.

Double FT violation before the AP has been established. Does that work?
No, because A would still get the ball as part of the penalty for the T.

And, I can't think of a way either. Maybe it's left over from some prior rule change (for example, if the arrow used to be not set until the throw-in on a foul before posession, then: Foul during jump, simultaneous violation during FT ==> jump between violators. )
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