Great question. IMO, being relaxed yet fully aware in stressful situations takes confidence which comes from time & experience. Eventually you will be relaxed on the court (plus or minus pregame jitters) but remember: being relaxed in a tense situation, like sincerity, can be faked. So sloooooooooooow down. Make each and every call in a matter of fact business like manner - avoid the urge to make "the big call" even if the situation screams for it. Each time you blow the whistle count to 2 while continuing to observe the action before moving a muscle. Practice great and consistent mechanics. Maintain a good posture - don't hunch your soldiers, tense up your neck/face, frown, bite your whistle, etc. Keep a relaxed facial expression as the heat builds. Try to always talk in the same calm voice, even when you want to get excited and/or scream. Be approachable, friendly, yet professional. Once you learn to fake this you'll be set!