Thread: mouthguard rule
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Old Tue Oct 07, 2003, 06:38pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Do you enforce the jewelry rule in basketball?
Yes, because it is not paternal. The point of the rule is more for preventing others from being injured by a player's jewelry than himself.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
If you did football,and a player didn't want to wear his helmet,would you go along with that if the parents and coach were in agreement?
Yes. It is his decision to protect himself or not. Not mine, not the NFHS's. Do you remember when NHL players did not have to wear helmets? Do you recall when they grandfathered their mandatory wearing into the league? Now look at face-shields in the NHL. They can wear them if the want the extra protection, but they aren't required. When are we going to let people in this country make their own decisions?
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Have you ever thought of the legal repercussions that you could be looking at if you ever had a disabling lower leg injury in a soccer game, and it happened to someone that you had let play without making them wear shinguards?
I have thought about it, JR. But I don't let stuff like that scare me. I also don't wear my seat-belt when I drive and no stupid fine is going to make me, ever!
I have told players and coaches both before games that a players shinguards are not up to the NFHS standards and when they whine about it, I just say, "It is your responsibility if you get hurt." They all say ok, and we play.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Are there any other rules that you don't like,so you just don't bother enforcing them?
Yes, three seconds in basketball, travelling when there is no defense present, the new hand-checking rule (placing a hand on is a foul), and obstruction in boys soccer.

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