If the sub enters the field but does not participate, you have 5-yard non-player illegal substitution foul. Such a foul is enforced from the succeeding spot. If that sub then participates in the play, you also add on an illegal participation foul, which is enforced under the all-but-one principle.
Here is a play situation. A1 drops back to pass. Before he throws the ball, B11 steps on the the field and being to participate (illegal substitution foul for entering, then an IP foul for participating). A completes a 30 yard pass play. If A accepts the IP foul the 15 yards are enforced from the previous spot (as this is a loose ball play). Since the illegal substitution is a non-player foul, it is added on (5 yds.) from the succeeding spot.
If the play is designed to fool someone, make sure you aren't the fool.