Thread: Look Back Rule
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Old Mon Oct 06, 2003, 12:40pm
DownTownTonyBrown DownTownTonyBrown is offline
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Originally posted by WestMichBlue
DTTB: "The purpose of the rule, as I understand it, is to prevent the offense from attracting, creating, or tempting the defense into making a play so that the offense can possibly advance a runner after the play is basically over."

Can't agree, Tony. What will you do with the runner that starts to steal 2B and stops, forcing F4 to run after her while R1 on 3B tries to steal home?

I don't understand what you are saying. Are you saying that F4 has the ball? If F4 has the ball and is chasing the runner, then obviously a play is being made and the Look-Back-Rule is not applicable. Play continues and the runner from 3rd can advance.

My point, and maybe I didn't say it well, was this rule is to prevent the offense from initiating a play after everything is done/stopped. The BR that passes first and then stops to face off with a pitcher that has the ball in the circle is, in my opinion, attempting to attract a play. They are taunting the pitcher. The runner cannot stay here (off the base). And any actions by the runner to now attract a play is illegal as follows: the runner must IMMEDIATELY decide which direction to go and then MUST CONTINUE in that direction to the base or until the defense makes a play. Once the defense makes a play the runner can change directions or do whatever is necessary to avoid being tagged out. But the runner cannot make moves in one direction and then stop to see what the pitcher does; cannot move in halting motions; cannot take a hard step in one direction and then run in the other; cannot move and stop. These type of actions are illegal and a dead ball should be called, stopping movement of all runners, and the taunting runner called out.

I think we both agree on this, but I'm not sure.

In my opinion, the runner that passes their base and tries to attract a play by the defense has basically said "I am a sacrafice so that my teammate can score. Make a play on me." But they cannot try to establish themselves in a hot-box using the style of actions I stated above (attempting to extend the play) if the defense is not willing to make a play. Run directly to 2nd, stop and run directly back to 1st, these are OKAY. But you cannot taunt the defense if they are not making a play. That is the illegal action.

I hope I have said this better and that you agree WMB.

"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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