Thread: Look Back Rule
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Old Sat Oct 04, 2003, 08:04pm
WestMichBlue WestMichBlue is offline
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"WMB, I'd be interested in how you plan to address this in your class."

Ignore it! (Just as I do - as you well know - with another POE!

Actually, it is a NFHS clinic; our association trains and schedules umpires for 50+ area high school's BB and SB games. As we do have some crossover, I will note areas where ASA and NFHS agree and/or disagree, but the primary focus is on NFHS rules.

As far as the POE statement, I've always felt that it was directed at a runner on her initial move towards a new base. Say R1 on 3B and R2 stealing 2B. The ball is returned to F1 and R2 stops short of second and decides to return to 1B in order to draw a throw. According to the POE she would be called out, but the rule does not support that interpretation.

To make this even more absurd, suppose a pitch gets away from F2, and R1 on 2B takes off for 3B. F2 pounces on the loose ball and flips it back to F1. R1 hits 3B fast and takes one or two steps toward home (as F1 receives the ball), then puts on the brakes and dives back into 3B. Are you going to call her out because she did not continue to home? I don't think so.

Until we get a better explanation of that particular sentence in the POE, I think that we have to igore it.

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