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Old Mon Mar 17, 2025, 10:49pm
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. is offline
Join Date: Sep 1999
Location: Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.
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2024-25 NFHS DP/FLEX Rule

From the 2024-25 NFHS Softball Rules Book:

R3-S1-A1 (Page 30): Each of the two teams must start with nine players … . In fast pitch only, a team may use the Designated Player/Flex option (DP/FLEX). The use of a DP/FLEX (F.P.) … is optional.

R3-S3-A6 (Page 34): (F.P.) A team may use the DP/FLEX option provided it is made known at the pregame conference.
a. The DP’s name is indicated on the lineup as one of the nine hitters in the batting order.
b. The name of the player for whom the DP is batting (FLEX) will be placed
in the 10th position in the lineup.
c. The DP must remain in the same position in the batting order for the entire game.
d. The DP may be substituted for at any time by a legal substitute or the FLEX may play offense for the DP. In either case, the DP will leave the game. If replaced by a substitute, the DP position remains in the lineup. A starting DP my re-enter one time, provided the DP returns to the original position in the batting order.
1. If replaced by the FLEX, this reduces the number of players from 10 to nine. The game may legally end with nine players.
2. If the DP re-enters or a substitute enters as the DP and the FLEX was batting in the DP’s spot the FLEX can: a) return to the number 10 position and play defense, or b) leave the game if the DP plays defense for the FLEX.
e. The DP may play defense at any position. Should the DP play defense for a player other than the FLEX, that player will continue to bat but not play defense, and is not considered to have left the game. The DP may play defense for the FLEX and the FLEX is considered to have left the game, reducing the number of players from 10 to nine.
f. The FLEX may be substituted for at any time by a legal substitute or the DP may play defense for the FLEX. In either case, the FLEX will leave the game. If replaced by a substitute , the FLEX remains in the lineup. The FLEX may re-enter the game one time provided the FLEX returns to the 10th position in the lineup.
1. If replaced by the DP, this reduces the number of place from 10 to nine. The game may legally end with nine players.
2. If the FLEX re-enters or a substitute enters as the FLEX and the DP was playing in the FLEX player’s spot, the DP can return to batting only, play defense for another player or leave the game of the FLEX plays on offense for the DP.
g. Placing the FLEX into one of the nine positions for someone other that the DP’s position is considered an illegal substitution. The illegal substitution shall be removed from the game and be restricted to the dugout/bench. (R2-S57-A3, R3-S4 PENALTIES)

Appendix H (Page 98): Softball DP/FLEX Simplified Reminders
1. The DP can never be on DEFENSE ONLY.
2. The FLEX player can never be on OFFENSE ONLY.
3. The DP and FLEX player can never be on offense at the same time.
4. The STARTER and the SUBSTITUTE cannot be in the game at the same time.
5. The starting and DP and FLEX player have one re-entry just as any other player.
6. Once the game is started with the DP/FLEX positions in the lineup, those positions are available for the entire game.
7. The penalty for illegal re-entry of the DP of FLEX player is always restricted to the bench/dugout.
8. If the player is on offense, the player is called out. If the player is on defense, the team on offense may have the choice of taking the result of the of the play or accepting the penalty.
9. The DP is only charged with a substitution only when the DP is withdrawn from the batting order and the FLEX is charged with a substitution only when the FLEX is no longer listed as playing defense.

MTD, Sr.
Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Trumbull Co. (Warren, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Wood Co. (Bowling Green, Ohio) Bkb. Off. Assn.
Ohio Assn. of Basketball Officials
International Assn. of Approved Bkb. Officials
Ohio High School Athletic Association
Toledo, Ohio
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