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Old Fri Oct 03, 2003, 12:54am
BT_Blue BT_Blue is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 18
Post Protector problems

For what I know of I have never had a problem with any of the WV protectors. As for the BB2000, an old partner of mine had bought the 2000 and had some problems with looks and a couple of problems with taking some shots he didnt think he should have. The look part was taken care of by taking off the extra kidney pads (they made him look like he had a pair of brests). I personally like the WV or if you are looking for something a little less expensive and is also used by pros is the Honigs K-1 (also Pro-nine makes a simular protector for 1/4 the price and the same amount of protection).

As for the difference between the WV Gold and WV Platinum, the Gold is make more for someone that uses the slot, knee or box. It is better protection up front. The Platinum is more for umpires that use the scissors as it has much better protection for the shoulders. Also an advantage of the WV over the BB2000 is that the WV has built in collar bone protection where the bb2000 needs an additional piece you need to purchase.

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