Originally Posted by BillyMac
Aren't the NF and NFHS Faking Being Fouled Best Practices one in the same (with the exception of the One In A Million Play)?
Why did the NF make several modifications to the states after they posted this document? I am just telling you what I know. My state waited on the NF to give more information and when they did, they came to the conclusion that they would not go to the AP arrow on the play I described. Wait until the ball is controlled.
Even in our IHSA video, they talked about us giving the "flop" signal at least 2 times and TJ in the IAABO video said to do it just once. Seems like there is a lot of miscommunication over something so simple. BTW, in college, we are encouraged to give the signal more than once. Again, where did this rule come from again?