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Old Tue Oct 22, 2024, 11:06am
Zoochy Zoochy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Posts: 839
Illegal Number

Page 79 from the Rule Book states that a player with an Illegal Number is a Technical foul Charged Directly to the Head Coach.
So is 6.4.1 Sit A implying that B1 is changing the Jersey with an Illegal Number to a Jersey with a Legal number? Changing Roster, number in the book is an Administration Technical.
I am envisioning that 'preparing the start of the game' is during the announcing the starters or even later and that is when it is discovered. B1 IS NOT a player yet. Can you penalize a Team (Bench) member with wearing an illegal number without them becoming a Player?
B1 can play with an Illegal Number, but the Coach is assessed a Direct Technical Foul upon B1 entering the game.
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