USA pool play
Do you see any error or problem with these applications of the pool play compression rule Rule 4.1.D.2 Exception:
In All Junior Olympic Fast Pitch Pool Play Only. When a team
elects to use more than nine batters an out will be recorded if a player leaves
the game for any reason other than injury or ejection. If a player leaves for
an injury and cannot continue in the game, the game will continue with the
injured player(s) batting position(s) being skipped with no out recorded.
Teams cannot play with fewer than eight players.
1) In any such case, any remaining substitute must replace the injured player and the lineup would not be compressed.
2) A player is injured while at bat and cannot continue. That player would leave and the next scheduled batter would come to bat with a fresh count. No out would be called for that removed injured player or for that player’s spot in the lineup.
3) A player is injured while on base or between bases and, after the play, cannot continue. That player would leave. Play would continue as if that injured player had not played at all. No out would be called for that removed injured player or for that player’s spot in the lineup. This is questioned and needs more research
4) If the subject player was a CR, it would be treated the same as any CR injury, i.e. replaced by whomever the CR was running for.
5) If the subject player was the FLEX, on offense for the DP; the DP player returns. That DP player may continue as both DP and FLEX.
6) If the subject player was the DP, the FLEX player must replace the DP player. The FLEX player may not continue as just the FLEX without a DP.
7) A player is injured while playing defense. That player would leave. Play would continue as if that injured player had not played at all. No out would be called for that removed injured player or for that player’s spot in the lineup when it occurs.
Formerly CecilOne
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
Last edited by Cecil4; Mon Jul 08, 2024 at 01:25pm.
Reason: Needs more research