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Old Wed Jun 26, 2024, 11:47am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by bucky View Post
Could it be considered a technical foul (non-contact) then?

No, as this was a defensive player and there was nothing illegal by the swinging. In the previous example, it was done by the offense and the screen was illegal based on definition.

If the extra-wide stance is illegal but nothing can be called without contact, is this an instance whereby we have an illegal action in the rulebook but no penalty? (I can think of only one other instance)
A screen is only a screen when there's contact. Otherwise it's just somebody standing on the court somewhere.

If a defender is in an illegal guarding position and the offensive player goes around them, are you using that same philosophy to call a foul?

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