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Old Sun May 05, 2024, 12:41pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by Stat-Man View Post
If flopping has become enough of an issue under NFHS rules that it's being addressed with a rule change, why isn't the penalty a player technical instead of a team technical foul.

Better to charge it to the player and have them halfway to disqualification to drive the point home that there's no place for flopping in the game. A team technical may not be enough of a deterrent for someone who wants to flop repeatedly.

If they want to keep it a team technical, at least make it akin to the plane violation rule where a single player repeatedly breaking the plane is ultimately subject to receiving a player technical per rule 10-4-5-d. If a player is flopping repeatedly, it deserves the same treatment.

That said, I'm glad none of the proposals to tinker with team fouls for the bonus passed. What we have now works well.
Two free throws and loss of possession are significant enough that a coach will get his TEAM to stop. I really don't think any coach is going to leave a player in the game who's repeatedly costing his team 2 free throws and possession.

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