2021-22 Item (1) reads: Use the shot clock to administer the 10-second backcourt count (9-8). Use a silent, visible 10-second count when there is no shot clock visible.
2022-23 Item (1) reads:
Use the shot clock to administer the 10-second backcourt count (9-8). The 10-second count shall begin when the ball touches, or is legally touched by, a player on the court, in the backcourt on a throw-in or on player control on a rebound or jump ball. Use a silent, visible 10-second count when there is no shot clock visible.
2023-24 Item (2 and 3) adds:
Referee Play Pics showing the Signals to be used.
2021-22 Item (6b-v) reads: When a violation occurs;
2022-234 Item (6b-v) reads: When a violation occurs
and the defense is awarded the ball for a throw-in;
2023-24 Item (6b-v) reads: When a violation occurs;
My NOTE: This was an unannounced Editorial Change which changed 2023-24 Item (6-v) back to 2021-22 Item (6-v) or it could be a typographical error which is my educated guess.
2021-22 Item (6b-vi) reads: After a held ball occurs during a throw-in, and the alternating possession arrow favors the team that did not make the throw-in;
2022-23 Item (6b-vi) reads:
A held ball or any other situation where the alternating-possession arrow is used to determine team possession and the alternating-possession arrow favors the defense for the throw-in.
2021-22 Item (6b-vii) reads: After a held ball occurs during after an unsuccessful try that does not contact the ring or flange, and the alternating-possession arrow favors the non-shooting team;
2022-23 Item (6b-vii) reads:
After the ball goes out of bounds and was last touched simultaneously by two opponents, both of whom are either inbounds or out of bounds or when there is doubt as to who last touched the ball and the possession arrow favors the defensive team;
My NOTE: This was an unannounced Editorial Change which changed 2021-22 Item (6-viii) to 2022-23 Item (6-vii).
2023-24 Item (6b-vii) reads: After the ball goes out of bounds and was last touched simultaneously by two opponents, both of whom are either inbounds or out of bounds or when there is doubt as to who last touched the ball and the possession arrow favors the defensive team;
Or …
2021-22 Item (6b-viii) reads: After the ball goes out of bounds and was last touched simultaneously by two opponents, both of whom are either inbounds or out of bounds or when there is doubt as to who last touched the ball and the possession arrow favors the defensive team;
2022-23 Item (6b-vii) reads:
After the ball goes out of bounds and was last touched simultaneously by two opponents, both of whom are either inbounds or out of bounds or when there is doubt as to who last touched the ball and the possession arrow favors the defensive team;
My NOTE: This was an unannounced Editorial Change which changed 2021-22 Item (6-viii) to 2022-23 Item (6-vii).
2023-24 Item (6b-vii) reads: After the ball goes out of bounds and was last touched simultaneously by two opponents, both of whom are either inbounds or out of bounds or when there is doubt as to who last touched the ball and the possession arrow favors the defensive team;
And …
2021-22 Item (6b-ix) reads: There is an inadvertent whistle and there was no player or team control at the time of the whistle;
2022-23 Item (6b-viii) reads:
There is an inadvertent whistle and there was no player or team control at the time of the whistle;
My NOTE: This was an unannounced Editorial Change which changed 2021-22 Item (6-ix) to 2022-23 Item (6-viii).
2023-24 Item (6b-vii) reads: There is an inadvertent whistle and there was no player or team control at the time of the whistle;
2021-22 Item (8) reads: Resetting the shot clock not to the full shot clock amount:
a. Reset the shot clock to 20 seconds when there is an intentionally kicked or fisted ball with less than 19 seconds on the shot clock.
b. State associations may determine, if there are other instances where the clock is reset, but not to the full shot clock amount.
2022-23 Item (8) reads:
State associations may determine if there are instances when the clock is reset, not to the full 35 seconds.
2023-24 Item (8) reads:
State associations may determine if there are instances when the clock is reset, not to the full 35 seconds.
My NOTE: I do not know why this was highlighted as a new change unless it was a typographical error) or it could be a typographical error which is my educated guess.
I now assume that my Pulitzer Prize winning prose has completely confused everyone I advise one and all to use the link ( that I provided in my original comment for the 2023-24 NFHS Shot Clock Guidelines.
I would hope that those who officiate in States which use a Shot Clock would have their StateHSAA contact the NFHS for clarification. I would be interested in what the NFHS has to say. I am interested in what the NFHS (as well as the CIF) has to say because I officiated despite officiating 44 years of my 46 years of high school basketball in States (Ohio, Florida, and Michigan) that do not use the Shot Clock I officiated women’s college from 1974 to 2008, men’s college from 1993 to 2008 and girls’ high school in California from 1982 to 1984.
MTD, Sr.