Thu Nov 09, 2023, 02:08pm
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
Posts: 14,906
Originally Posted by BillyMac
I agree with you, but over the years we have a few Forum members who do not agree with this "one and done" but important caseplay because it's no longer in the casebook.
Their rationale (not mine) is often along the lines of, "How can an almost twenty year old case play that only appeared for a single year in the casebook and is no longer in the casebook be relevant to officials who have been officiating less than twenty years?".
"How many interpreters/trainers bring up this casebook play as a part of rookie instruction?".
"How can such an official explain this situation to a coach without the benefit of pointing it out in a casebook?".
"Sorry coach, I can't show you the play in the casebook but just go on the internet to the Official Basketball Forum and search for 2004-05 NFHS Casebook: 10.6.1 Situation E".
How many officials still have a 2004-05 NFHS Casebook (I bet that Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. has it in his attic library)? And how many officials carry around a 2004-05 NFHS Casebook in their bag (I certainly don't)?
My answer: While the caseplay may have vanished, the rules behind it are still in the rule book and there have been no relevant rule changes, or interpretation changes, to invalidate it.
Of course, we have this:
However, as far as I know, only IAABO members had access to this interview.
Try explaining that to a NFHS official, or to a young IAABO official, or to a coach "third hand".
"Well, some anonymous official (if one can believe that) who goes by the username BillyMac, from a little corner of Connecticut (if one can believe that), in an internet chat room says ..."
As President Abraham Lincoln said, "Don't believe everything one sees on the internet".
I'm confused as to how this response is related to what I just posted. The combination of the 3 rules you posted make it clear how to differentiate between tripping and being tripped. How is a new official affected by the missing case play?
A-hole formerly known as BNR